Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Cooler Smarter

I'm fearful for the reduced role that science and evidence are playing in today's policy decisions. Thus, Janice and I decided to join the Union of Concerned Scientists. As a thank you gift they sent me a GREAT book--"Cooler Smarter: Practical Steps for Low-Carbon Living."

Filled with concrete things that you can do to reduce your carbon footprint and ensure that your voice is heard by policy makers. The not so dirty secret is that when you save carbon, you save money so it should be a win-win, right?

It's worthy to get a copy and pass it around at your next dinner party (better than those damn smart phones!) and discuss how each individual's concrete actions can help reduce our carbon footprint.

You can buy the book on Amazon or you can donate to UCS and get it as a gift.


  1. Since the evaporative coolers are cheap in their prices, possess high-tech systems and are quite reliable, so people prefer to use them. best cooler for the money
